"After we're married, how do I change my name?" It's the question that, as a Celebrant, I get asked the most.
It's usually referred to as changing your name, but you're really getting an extra one. Your birth name, or maiden name, is still yours to use after getting married if you choose.
To help you through the process, I've laid it out in three simple steps...
Step 1: Apply for a Marriage Certificate
Yes, you do get a Marriage Certificate on your Wedding Day, but sadly it's just not enough. For $60.50, the SA Government will provide you with the official Marriage or Relationship Certificate that is required to change your name.
<< Head over here, then hit the Start Now button about halfway down their web page
After your Wedding, your Celebrant will post the required paperwork to Births, Deaths, and Marriages (I post it on the way home from your Ceremony) so they can process your application. It can take a little while, but starting the application before your Wedding Day can get you a head start. For an additional fee you can get it fast-tracked.
Step2: Driver's Licence
You've waited patiently and now your official certificate has arrived. It might be a good idea to get a couple of photocopies of it and have them authorised by a JP before you start taking it out of the house.
Head to your local Services SA customer centre to get a new Driver's Licence. Brush your hair for a photo, and bring along:
Your official wedding certificate
Your current Driver's Licence
A completed one of these busy looking forms
Another key piece of identification is your Passport. Once you've got a new Driver's Licence, this is another important step.
Step 3: Bills, Cards, and Memberships
The Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants, has put together this handy checklist.
All the best and get cracking on your happily Ever After!